Designers & Builders of Fine Cedar Wooden Canoes
About UsCedar Canvas CanoesCedar Epoxy CanoesCedar Motor RowboatCedar Rowing Skiff
Plans & KitsOmer Stringer PaddlesMaterialsRestorationsContact Us

CARRYING PLACE CANOE & BOAT WORKS LIMITED is located near Kleinburg, Ontario on the Humber River, in a wilderness setting on the historic canoe portage route called the Toronto Carrying Place. The company was born from a love of the north and a passion for the Canadian Canoe. For nearly 27 years, canoe builder and designer Joe Ziemba has been custom building cedar canvas canoes, cedar strip epoxy canoes and rowboats.

Our canoe forms have been painstakingly designed and built incorporating classic canoe designs and functional beauty.

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Backside of ribs & planking are varnished

All models are unique to us and are only available at our shop. With 25 models to choose from, there is a canoe for every need and use, ranging in sizes from 12' to 18'.

Shunning mass production construction methods and using the finest woods, canoes are built 'one at a time' with outstanding strength and workmanship.

The cedar strip epoxy canoes are made from red cedar strips with bead and cove edges from designs perfected by us.

We use top quality epoxy resins by West Systems and Maas Epoxies. Each canoe is then coated with a Marine Grade Spar varnish with UV filters.

Our cedar canvas canoes are built from clear white cedar and may be trimmed with ash, cherry or mahogany.

Varnish is applied to the backside of the ribs and the face side of the planking before installation.

All canoe seats are handmade in either cherry or ash and filled with hand woven cane or nylon twine.

Click for enlargementClick for enlargement
Click for enlargement

Before canvassing, the hull is preserved with a treatment of oils and solvents to prevent water absorbtion and to keep the wood supple.

The canvas is made waterproof and smooth, with all trace of texture removed by a hard-drying flint like filler that has colour pigment throughout.

Colour coded filler being applied (left)

The woodwork inside is finished with four coats of waterproof varnish. The canvas filler is hand rubbed to a high gloss surface and finished with several coats of quality waterproof enamel.

Finally, between the gunnels and the hull a bead of sealant is added to prevent moisture from penetrating under the gunnels.

All canoes are finished with solid brass stem bands, seat hangers and fasteners.

Click for enlargement Brushing on Preservatives on hull
Over time our company has built a reputation for providing the canoeist with a quality product that is not only functional but beautiful as well. Our canoes have withstood the test of time and we enjoy hearing of the many exciting trips and adventures our customers have had.

History of the Toronto
Carrying-Place Trail

Omer Stringer Story

Building the Carrying Place Cedar Canvas Canoe

Building the Carrying Place Cedar Strip Epoxy Canoe

How To Measure
For A Paddle

How An
Omer Stringer
Carrying Place Paddle
Is Made

Home PageAbout UsCedar Canvas Canoes Cedar Epoxy CanoesCedar Motor Rowboat
Cedar Rowing SkiffPlans & KitsOmer Stringer Paddles Materials & Accessories
RestorationsContact Carrying Place

Cedar Strip and  Cedar Canvas Canoes
Canoe & Boat Works Limited

11611 Highway 27, Kleinburg, Ontario, L0J 1C0
Telephone: (905) 893-1350    Fax: (905) 893-3168
