The 12' Chemaunis
This beamy (31"), stable canoe is a favourite of casual canoeists,
combining extremely light weight and paddling ease for both children
and adults.
It is available as a single or two seat model and is ideal for ponds,
marshes, small rivers and lakes. Great fun for the young and the
The 14' Camp-Mate
If you are looking for a shorter canoe that will do the same job
as a much larger model, this brawny little canoe is for you.
The 14' Campmate is full to the ends, wide and stable, easy to carry,
store and paddle. It will comfortably carry 2 passengers and gear.
The Campmate is an excellent canoe for light tripping, fishing and
general use.
The 15' Camp Style
This canoe was designed for camps to teach solo 'style' canoeing.
It is very manoeverable, it has full ends, hard tumblehome and a
13" depth. For lasting durability the canvas is covered with
epoxy resin and then hand-painted. It is a camp favourite with expert
and novice alike.
15' Jack's Special
A fine entry line that quickly expands to good width at the water
line combined with moderate rocker and lots of tumblehome make this
canoe our most elegant design that can be paddled with ease solo
or tandem. The 32" beam and 14" depth with higher bow
and stern profile makes this another good tripping canoe combining
speed with good carrying capacity.
15' Original Chestnut Bob's Special
The everything canoe! Wide beam for stability and load carrying
capacity, sharp entry line and shallow arch hull for speed and seaworthiness.
Low bows for less wind resistance and lightweight for easy portaging
makes this a favourite canoe for fishing, tripping, solos and family
Click Here: Building
the Carrying Place Cedar Canvas Canoe
Omer Stringer Classic
This canoe was designed by Omer Stringer
to augment his own 15' wide beam soloing canoe. Omer
Stringer was one of Canada's premier paddlers, an Algonquin
Park Guide and master canoe builder. He designed this model for
1 or 2 lightweight expert paddlers in both single or 2 seat models.
Its' narrow beam at both the beam and the waterline makes this a
very fast, light tripping canoe.
15' Grey Owl
Generally regarded as one of the most beautiful designs, the Grey
Owl is an excellent general purpose, extremely lightweight canoe
for the young and young at heart.
It is a canoe of exceptional capacity due to its' broad beam carried
full to the ends. It has unusual steadiness for fishing or tripping
and turns heads wherever it is seen.
The 16' Northwind
A narrow beam (32-1/2"), very fast canoe with good carrying capacity
makes this model good for tripping. Shallow arch hull and moderate
rocker allows this straight tracking hull to turn with relative
ease. Its 13¼ depth and full bows make it exceptionally seaworthy
in rough water, an excellent, stable, family canoe.
The 16' Canadian
The Canadian is the epitome of the Canadian-style canoe, with
its high recurve bow it is reminiscent of the venerable Peterborough
model. Its' shallow arch hull and fine entry line make it a great
tripping and cottage canoe. Available in standard 24" bow height
or 26" high recurve bow models.
Click Here: Building
the Carrying Place Cedar Canvas Canoe
16' Wilderness Express
The 16' Wilderness Express has become one of our
most popular models. Its' generous beam and depth allows for carrying
packs side by side, its lower sheerline is not affected by wind.
Moderate rocker gives it manouverability and good tracking. No unnecessary
bulk has been built into the design. Its rounded hull shape is very
seaworthy and together with its beam is very predictable and safe.
The 16' Wilderness Express is an all round exceptional performer.
The 16,17 & 18' Original Chestnut Prospector
Our own model's lines have been taken from Joe Ziemba's own original
early model, vintage Chestnut Prospector. It is an ideal canoe for
carrying heavy loads and extended canoe trips. This model is beautiful,
functional and safe. The 16' Original Chestnut Prospector remains
the quintessential wilderness tripping canoe for lake or river travel.
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