12' Gull Rowing Motorboat is based on the Peterborough Canoe Company's
outboard motor/row boat.
The name aptly describes the way the boat perches on the water.
This craft is ideal for "messing about in boats"* or for
fishing or for the cottage.
It can be used as a row boat or can easily be transformed into
a motor boat with a small gas or electric motor.
Since it is small in size, the 12' Gull can be used solo (1 set
of oarlocks) or is capable of carrying passengers.
It's handy size makes it great for young people or adults. Since
it is light weight, it can be easily car topped. Our plans are full
sized and detailed and include patterns for all the integral parts
which make it an easy motor/row boat to build.
*Wind In the Willows by Kenneth
"Believe me my young friend; there is nothing,
... absolutely nothing half so much worth doing as simply
messing about in boats. In or out of them it doesn't matter
... Nothing seems to really matter, that's the charm of it."
Finished Gull Rowing Motorboat
12' model $2,995.00 CAD
At CARRYING PLACE CANOE WORKS, all of our kits use only
superior quality products. The same care is taken as in the handcrafting
of our superior quality boats or canoes. The materials are of the
highest standard available. One kit will produce a rowboat.
Plans: $99.95 CAD
All of our plans, include 4 views of the scale down version of
the full size rowboat. These include: the half-breadth view, the
profile, the body plan and the 3 dimensional view. For transferring
onto your mold material, there are: the full size body plan with
1/4" removed and stem mold plan. Also included are deck, seat and
floor board installations descriptions.
Rowboat Kit: $2480.00 CAD |