About Our PLANS

List Of Canoe Building
Plans Available
Information on Canoe Building Kits
All of our plans are pending copyright. These plans are the
intellectual property of Joe Ziemba and are protected under
International law. The purchase of a plan, entitles you to
build one canoe for your personal use only and may not be
used for commercial purposes.
Construction plans for all our models of Cedar Strip Epoxy canoes.
List Of Canoe Building Plans Available
All of our plans are full size for transferring onto the mold materials.
Each plan consists of a full size body plan with 1/4" removed
for the station molds, a full size stem mold plan. All of our plans
include 4 views of the scaled down version of the full-sized canoe.
These include:
- The Half-Breadth View
- The Profile
- The Body Plan
- The 3-Dimensional View
Included with each plan: instructions and diagrams on building
the strongback plus other informative documents.
Set of Building Plans:
$69.95 CAD*